bla ck friday sales What is said in these angerinducing ads is almost as outlandish as the amount of money being spent on them. In an ad by Priorities USA, a super PAC supporting President Obama, the narrative implies that Bain Capital (run by Mitt Romney at the time) closed a steel plant, causing the death of family member of a worker who had lost his job and health coverage. Restore Our Future, a super PAC supporting Mitt Romney, has run ads taking quotes out of context, including a joke the president made about a project being "shovel ready" as out of touch and comments made by Democratic strategist (dubbed a "White House insider") Hilary Rosen about Ann Romney.I am glad Brandt qualified this piece of junk of an article as " a layman". He wants to have the owners hang their hat on the The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)Administrative Court. I got news for you, "layman" Brandt.