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The fur boots can provide your feet warmth if you are in a cold place.The arms are warm, but in geriatric hospital fashion, your pimply bum is exposed.The Tsunami slam into Samoan Islands is really tragic. Many have lost their properties and lives were hurt and some had died too. I guess this is the sad reality of how nature paybacks.On the weekends, make sure some family outings are active ones (for instance, swimming at the town pool, sledding in the park, or riding on a bike trail) instead of sedentary ones, such as taking a drive. Head to the beach to comb for hidden treasures, or hike a nearby nature trail and keep an eye out for curious creatures. Help Center Press Center Contact Us Site Map.If I oppose someone, I might poke fun, or counter them with strong language. They shouldn't post if they can't take it. I have rarely felt offended by comments on my posts, despite posting about controversia