Definition im not talking every person of the female persuasion to ever come out of essex here, im talking about a social phenomena that has evolved over a period of more than 30 years! The Essex girl is a highly specialised version of the average English Tartish girl.I dont know what forums you visit regularly.While it's nice to have a Van Gogh print in my home, it is far better to have an original piece created by this artist.Police arrested an 18yearold man who broke into the Bellevue Center Mall early Thursday morning.The suspect, Christopher Holdsworth, confessed to News 2 that he busted out the glass of one of the mall doors to get an Xbox 360 for his younger brother birthday."My brother birthday is tomorrow and all he wants is an Xbox 360," Holdsworth told News 2.A politician who says it like it is! Target on cosmetic surgery ads on London underground Susie Orbach in conversation about new book Bodies This is how mad things have become.
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"handbags remember that you can easily take more off when you are done"
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