michael kors black Friday sale Next you must remember never to put your boots in to a dryer, in front of a heat source (radiator or fire) and a final precaution do not place them in direct sunlight. What you should do instead if you wish to ensure that no damage is caused and to help the boots keep their shape then fill them with paper towels. Once you have filled them with the towels, allow them to dry naturally and remember keep them away from any heat source.."Superbad" geek Chris MintzPlasse celebrating the Celtics Game 2 victory with captain Paul Pierce, Rajon Rondo, Kendrick Perkins and Gabe Pruitt at District . "Everybody Loves Raymond" bros Ray Romano and Brad Garrett traipsing through the InterContinental Boston lobby on their way to Pizzeria Regina in the North End . Cleveland Indians Grady Sizemore, Ben Francisco and a few of their teammates supping at Sonsie . Indians Victor Martinez, Rafael Betanco