lou is vuitton black friday HuffPost High School welcomes a lively, thoughtful debate in the comment section.Post CommentWith the advent of the computer, the art of great typesetting seems to be disappearing. I don't know if designers today even know what kerning type is.As a marketer whose charge was to make sure recipients read the collateral I sent them, I always felt type was one of the major elements of design. Just as important as color.I was always super sensitive to type that had descenders that would touch the top of the type on the line below.Making type really work in marketing and advertising is a major component of the creative process.Setting type is an art.We have moose stability Doug Smith of the Strib says: "The moose population at Voyageurs National Park in northern Minnesota remains stable, according to a recentlycompleted aerial survey. The 2013 population was estimated to be 46 moose, similar to estimate