michael kors black Friday Palmer is fantastic, and Flanagan and Dempsey are interesting as well.No one should have anything negative to say about Joe or Fred, either of those guys would be an enormous improvement doing play by play.Thorne/Palmer is good because Jim does most of the talking and it's almost always a good point.When it's Thorne/Flanagan I put it on mute and turn the radio on. That's the most boring pair I've ever heard. That's when they need the special guest announcer.Hunter/Palmer is okay, but it's really obvious Hunter has some kind of crush on Palmer.Hunter/Flanagan is plain horrible, that's when that need the special guest announcer too.Flanagan/Palmer is great because Flanagan shuts up and lets Palmer do all the talking.Your parents aren't going to be watching over your shoulder and nagging you to clean your room, but they also won't be there to cook for you or do you laundry. You'll finally get to go to parties that ar