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My comment is a lancaster principle, at northrop school name, melnick, called are home and said an incident happened at sch concerning my 7yr, old grand daughter was supposed to have giving oral to a student at sch under the desk, then when i went to pick her up he stuck his finger in my face and said i could not attend meeting when my daughter gave him permission on the to release her child in my picking her up he then yelled at her and told her to sit down, and he stuck his finger in my face, called sheriff after i waved my hands up and told him to please not disrespect me that away, as a parent coming to pick up my granddaughter and i am on the emergency card.It was at the moment I could honestly say, like my life and I am happy that I met my husband (walking my dog, by the way)..(FORTUNE Magazine) IT HAS BEEN A CONFUSING YEAR FOR INVESTORS. Interest rates were supposed to go way up. Oil prices